Wolfgang Baumeister

Publikationen von A. Berting

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Stockl, L.; Berting, A.; Malkowski, B.; Foerste, R.; Hofschneider, P. H.; Hildt, E.: Integrity of c-Raf-1/MEK signal transduction cascade is essential for hepatitis B virus gene expression. Oncogene 22 (17), S. 2604 - 2610 (2003)
Imani, J.; Berting, A.; Nitsche, S.; Schaefer, S.; Gerlich, W. H.; Neumann, K. H.: The integration of a major hepatitis B virus gene into cell- cycle synchronized carrot cell suspension cultures and its expression in regenerated carrot plants. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 71 (2), S. 157 - 164 (2002)
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