Wolfgang Baumeister

Publikationen von Susanne C. M. Reinhardt

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Cramer, K.; Reinhardt, S. C. M.; Auer, A.; Shin, J. Y.; Jungmann, R.: Comparing divisome organization between vegetative and sporulating Bacillus subtilis at the nanoscale using DNA-PAINT. Science Advances 10 (2), eadk5847 (2024)
Paloja, K.; Weiden, J.; Hellmeier, J.; Eklund, A. S.; Reinhardt, S. C. M.; Parish, I. A.; Jungmann, R.; Bastings, M. M. C.: Balancing the Nanoscale Organization in Multivalent Materials for Functional Inhibition of the Programmed Death-1 Immune Checkpoint. ACS Nano 18 (2), S. 1381 - 1395 (2023)
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