Department News

Best Poster Prize to Alina Thielen
Alina won the Best Poster Prize at the Heinrich Wieland Prize Symposium. Congratulations Alina! more
Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like proteins in health and disease
Alina (flash talk + poster), Frank (poster), Jiale (poster), Luca and Brenda (speaker) attended the EMBO workshop in Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia. Danny Scott from St. Jude Schulman group as well as multiple Schulman Group alumni - Arno Alpi, Danny Huang, Vladislav Sviderskiy, Helen Walden (speaker) - were also at the event. more
Lukas Henneberg is 2024 Angelika Amon Young Scientist Awardee
Lukas is awarded this prestigious award for his PhD project, probing active ubiquitin E3 ligases. Lukas developed probes targeting active ubiquitin E3s within cells and utilized them in mass spectrometry-based workflows to explore the response of these networks to extracellular signals. Congratulations Lukas! more
Farewell and Congratulations to Arno!

Farewell and Congratulations to Arno!

July 25, 2024
We're sad to bid farewell to Arno as he embarks on his new adventure as Senior Lecturer in Edinburgh, but we're taking comfort in the fact that he'll remain a close collaborator and friend. We'll miss Arno, but we're excited to see the great things he'll achieve in his new role.
See you next summer, Gary!

See you next summer, Gary!

July 25, 2024
Gary's summer sabbatical with us has come to an end. We're grateful for the time he spent with our team and look forward to his return.
Judith’s 25th Work Anniversary at MPIB

Judith’s 25th Work Anniversary at MPIB

July 25, 2024
Happy 25th anniversary, Judith! We're truly privileged to have you in the team!
4th Biennial SKDEAS Family Meeting
Brenda gave a talk titled “WDR26 and the GID complex” at the SKDEAS Family Meeting. Every two years, families, researchers, and supporters from around the globe come together to share, learn, and inspire toward understanding and advocating for Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome. more
Laura Hehl is the 2024 Junior Scientists’ Publication Awardee

Laura Hehl is the 2024 Junior Scientists’ Publication Awardee

July 11, 2024
JSPA is awarded by MPI of Biochemistry every year  to junior scientists with outstanding achievements. Congratulations Laura!
Lukas Henneberg defended his PhD thesis

Lukas Henneberg defended his PhD thesis

July 09, 2024
Congratulations Lukas!
48th FEBS Congress, Milano, Italy
Brenda gave a talk titled “Signaling through the ubiquitin-proteasome system” as a speaker at the 48th FEBS Congress. more
2024 Vallee Summer Symposium, Stresa, Italy
Brenda (Vallee Visiting Professor) and Lukas (poster) attended the symposium which brings together a multidisciplinary team of Vallee Visiting Professors, Vallee Scholars, a guest scientist and ~10 nominated early career researchers. more
Alkylamine-tethered molecules recruit FBXO22 for targeted protein degradation
New Publication - Great collaborative work! Congratulations to MoMaS member Jakob and form er PhD student Joanna (Asia), and all the other authors. more
Dawa is an Otto Hahn Medal Honoree
MoMaS Alumna Dawafuti Sherpa is awarded the prestigious Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society for her doctoral thesis work in the Schulman Group. Dawa established a new paradigm for substrate targeting by E3 ubiquitin ligases and ubiquitin dependent regulation of metabolism. more
Ubiquitin and Ub-like Proteins
Brenda (speaker) and Karthik (poster) attended the FASEB Science Research Conference - Ubiquitin and Ub-like Proteins in Niagara Falls, New York. more
Anna Bieber defended her PhD thesis

Anna Bieber defended her PhD thesis

June 05, 2024
Congratulations Anna!
Jakob attended the CPS 2024

Jakob attended the CPS 2024

June 02, 2024
Jakob was at the 9th Chemical Protein Synthesis Conference in Nagoya, Japan.
Josie attended the FEBS-EMBO Advanced Lecture Course: Membranes, lipids, proteins in organelle biogenesis

Josie attended the FEBS-EMBO Advanced Lecture Course: Membranes, lipids, proteins in organelle biogenesis

May 25, 2024
She presented her PhD work in a short talk at the event in Spetses, Greece.
Protein Degradation in Focus

Protein Degradation in Focus

May 19, 2024
Brenda (organizer and speaker), Alina, Ria (poster) and Sam (poster) represented MoMaS in Dundee, UK.
Non-canonical substrate recognition by the human WDR26-CTLH E3 ligase regulates prodrug metabolism
New Publication in Molecular Cell - Congratulations to Karthik, Jakub, Dawa, Sara, Ria, Annette, Susanne, Alpi and all the other authors. Great collaboration of Hadian, Murray, Mann and Schulman groups! more
Josephine Botsch defended her PhD thesis

Josephine Botsch defended her PhD thesis

May 03, 2024
Congratulations Josie!
MoMas members attended Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium

MoMas members attended Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium

May 02, 2024
Arno, Celine, Frank, Leo and Sara represented MoMas at the symposium. Arno gave a talk and Frank and Sara presented posters!
Laura Hehl defended her PhD thesis

Laura Hehl defended her PhD thesis

April 30, 2024
Congratulations Laura!
Brenda was the 6th speaker of 117th Harvey Lecture Series
Do you want to know more about the “Signaling by the ubiquitin system”. The lecture is now available online here. more
Noncanonical assembly, neddylation and chimeric cullin–RING/RBR ubiquitylation by the 1.8 MDa CUL9 E3 ligase complex
New Publication in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology - Congratulations to Daniel, Linus, Ishi, Jiale, Sebastian, Raj, Luca and all the other authors. more
Visualizing chaperone-mediated multistep assembly of the human 20S proteasome
New Publication in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology - Congratulations Frank, Jiale, Susanne and all the collaborators.
@ Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) Team Harper more
Linus Hopf defended his PhD thesis

Linus Hopf defended his PhD thesis

April 08, 2024
Congratulations Linus!
Skraban-Deardorff intellectual disability syndrome-associated mutations in WDR26 impair CTLH E3 complex assembly
New Publication - Congratulations to Annette, Judith, Jakub, Karthik, Dawa and Arno. Great collaboration with Murray Group. more
Eleftheria Papadopoulou is awarded BIF PhD Fellowship

Eleftheria Papadopoulou is awarded BIF PhD Fellowship

March 19, 2024
Congratulations Ria!
Combinatorial selective ER-phagy remodels the ER during neurogenesis
New Publication & Journal Cover - Congratulations to Cristina and Anna! And thanks to collaborators Melissa and Wade for visiting and making this happen
@ Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) Team Harper more
Cullin-RING ligases employ geometrically optimized catalytic partners for substrate targeting
New Publication in Molecular Cell- Congratulations to Joanna, Ishita, Rajan and collaborators! Amazing this started from Gary’s summer sabbatical!
Mechanism of millisecond Lys48-linked poly-ubiquitin chain formation by cullin-RING ligases
New Publication - Congratulations to Joanna, Sam, David, Rajan and the summer member of the lab Gary!
-> Press Release: How cells sort their trash
Targeted Protein Degradation

Targeted Protein Degradation

January 21, 2024
Brenda (organizer and speaker), Jakub (poster), and Laura (poster) participated the symposium in Colorado!
Doa10/MARCH6 architecture interconnects E3 ligase activity with lipid-binding transmembrane channel to regulate SQLE
New Publication in Nature Communications - Congratulations Josie, Luca, Susanne and Bastian!
Postdoctoral fellowship from Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung to Jakob Farnung

Postdoctoral fellowship from Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung to Jakob Farnung

January 01, 2024
Congratulations Jakob!
Multisite phosphorylation dictates selective E2-E3 pairing as revealed by Ubc8/UBE2H-GID/CTLH assemblies
New Publication in Molecular Cell- Congratulations to Jakub, Dawa, Christine, Eleftheria, Laura, Viola, Susanne, Judith, Rajan and Arno!
Insights into the ISG15 transfer cascade by the UBE1L activating enzyme
New Publication in Nature Communications - Congratulations Khee, Rajan, Ronnald and Susanne!
Multiple awards at the IMPRS-ML Winter Seminar 2023

Multiple awards at the IMPRS-ML Winter Seminar 2023

November 30, 2023
Josephine Botsch got the Best Poster First Place and Lukas Henneberg received the Best Talk Second Place. Congratulations Josie and Lukas!
BIF PhD Fellowship Awardee - Samuel Maiwald

BIF PhD Fellowship Awardee - Samuel Maiwald

November 29, 2023
Congratulations Sam!
Catalysis of non-canonical protein ubiquitylation by the ARIH1 ubiquitin ligase
New Publication - Congratulations Ishi, Daniel, Khee, Arno and of course Nick! Fantastic that this was inspired by one of Gary’s summer stints in the lab!
K6-linked ubiquitylation marks formaldehyde-induced RNA-protein crosslinks for resolution
New Publication in Molecular Cell - Congratulations Daniel and the Beli lab!
Cristina is one of the October Open Science Champions of ASAP
Congratulations to Cristina! She is one of the three October Open Science Champions of Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) She was one of the first to volunteer to participate in ASAP’s interview series, Protocol Particulars. Watch her interview here. more
Ishita completed her PhD

Ishita completed her PhD

September 05, 2023
Congratulations Ishi!
Activity-based profiling of cullin–RING E3 networks by conformation-specific probes
New Publication in Nature Chemical Biology- Congratulations to Lukas and Khee! Special thanks to Matthias Mann and Sachdev Sidhu!
-> Press Release: New "radar" detects active cellular destroyers
Structural snapshots along K48-linked ubiquitin chain formation by the HECT E3 UBR5
New Publication in Nature Chemical Biology - Congratulations Laura, Daniel, Rajan and Ronnald!
PARK15/FBXO7 is dispensable for PINK1/Parkin mitophagy in iNeurons and HeLa cell systems
New Publication - Congrats Frank and of course Felix and Team Harper!
@ Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP)
A Pro-Fluorescent Ubiquitin-Based Probe to Monitor Cysteine-Based E3 Ligase Activity
New Publication in Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed.- Congratulations David, Daniel, Josie, Laura and Sebastian! Special thanks to Monique for including us!
In memory of Professor Huib Ovaa, his passion for science will always be an inspiration to us.
Best Poster First Place: Josephine Botsch at EMBO Workshop

Best Poster First Place: Josephine Botsch at EMBO Workshop

May 25, 2023
Josie’s poster was selected the Best Poster at the EMBO Workshop - Protein Quality Control: From molecular mechanisms to therapeutic intervention. Congratulations Josie!
Ubiquitination regulates ER-phagy and remodelling of endoplasmic reticulum
New Publication - Congratulations Bastian! Thanks Ivan for including us!
Multiple awards for Schulman Department at Ubiquitin & Friends Symposium
Best Short Talk Prize was given to Jakob Farnung and Leo Kiss received a Travel Award. Congratulations Jakob and Leo! more
Systemwide disassembly and assembly of SCF ubiquitin ligase complexes
New Publication - Congratulations to Khee, Dany and Lukas!
-> Press Release: Rock'n'roll mechanism helps to target proteins for degradation
Brenda receives ERC Advanced Grant for UPSmeetMet project

Brenda receives ERC Advanced Grant for UPSmeetMet project

March 30, 2023
New Funding - UPSmeetMEt will study the crosstalk between the ubiquitin system and metabolism! Congratulations Brenda!
-> Press Release
BIF PhD Fellowship Awardee - Alina Thielen

BIF PhD Fellowship Awardee - Alina Thielen

March 21, 2023
Congratulations Alina!
In situ snapshots along a mammalian selective autophagy pathway
New Publication - Congrats Meijing, Ishi and Florian!
BIF PhD Fellowship Awardee - Luca Stier

BIF PhD Fellowship Awardee - Luca Stier

February 28, 2023
Congratulations Luca!
E3 ligase autoinhibition by C-degron mimicry maintains C-degron substrate fidelity
New Publication in Molecular Cell - Congratulations Dany and Khee!
Brenda receives 2023 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine
Award - Joint with Ivan Ðikić (Goethe Uni.), Brenda was awarded for her scientific contributions to our understanding of the function of ubiquitin and its mechanisms in cells. Congratulations Brenda!
-> Press Release
Leo is awarded EMBO long-term fellowship

Leo is awarded EMBO long-term fellowship

December 16, 2022
EMBO Long-Term Fellowships are awarded for a period of two years to internationally mobile postdoctoral researchers in Europe and around the world. Congrats Leo!
Dawafuti defended her doctoral thesis

Dawafuti defended her doctoral thesis

December 09, 2022
Congrats Dawa!
Modular UBE2H-CTLH E2-E3 complexes regulate erythroid maturation
New Publication in eLife - Congratulations Dawa, Judith, Jakub, Karthik, Christine, Annette, Oliver and Arno!
COSB 2021 Best Paper Award to ‘NEDD8 and Ubiquitin Ligation by Cullin-RING E3 Ligases’
Khee’s article is one of the winners of the inaugural 2021 Best Paper award of the journal Current Opinion in Structural Biology. Congratulations Khee! more
Kheewoong completed his PhD

Kheewoong completed his PhD

September 28, 2022
Congrats Khee!
In situ structural analysis reveals membrane shape transitions during autophagosome formation
New Publication in PNAS - Congratulations Anna, Cristina and Florian!
Structure of CRL7FBXW8 reveals coupling with CUL1–RBX1/ROC1 for multi-cullin-RING E3-catalyzed ubiquitin ligation
New Publication - Congratulations Linus, Khee, Maren and Susanne!
MPIB Junior Scientists’ Publication Award to Jakub and Dawafuti

MPIB Junior Scientists’ Publication Award to Jakub and Dawafuti

July 22, 2022
Congrats Dawa & Jakub!
Joanna completed her doctoral thesis

Joanna completed her doctoral thesis

July 08, 2022
Congrats Asia!
Cryo-EM structures of Gid12-bound GID E3 reveal steric blockade as a mechanism inhibiting substrate ubiquitylation
New Publication - Congratulations Shuai, Dawa, Jakub, Maximilian, Susanne and Florian!
Daniel got his Dr. title

Daniel got his Dr. title

May 03, 2022
Congratulations Daniel!
A GID E3 ligase assembly ubiquitinates an Rsp5 E3 adaptor and regulates plasma membrane transporters
New Publication - Congratulations Christine, Viola, Jakub and Dawa!
Sebastian defended his doctoral thesis

Sebastian defended his doctoral thesis

March 28, 2022
Congrats Sebi!
New classes of E3 ligases illuminated by chemical probes
New Review - Congratulations Daniel!
Jakub finished his PhD

Jakub finished his PhD

February 11, 2022
Congrats Jakub!
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