Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt
DirectorMax Planck Institute of Biochemistry,
Department of Machine Learning and Systems Biology
Am Klopferspitz 18
82152 Martinsried
2023 - now
Max Planck Director
Department of Machine Learning and Systems Biology
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
2023 - now
Honorary professor
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Full Professor of Data Mining
Department Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE)
ETH Zürich
Associate Professor of Data Mining
Department Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE)
ETH Zürich
Professor (~Associate Professor) of Data Mining in the Life Sciences
Department of Computer Science
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
W2 Research Group Leader (~Assistant Professor, tenured since 2010)
Machine Learning and Computational Biology Research Group
Max Planck Institutes Tübingen
PhD Student & Research Assistant
Data Mining & Database Unit, Chairholder: Prof. Hans-Peter Kriegel
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
Academic Visitor (for writing master thesis in Computer Science)
Machine Learning Group, Prof. Alex Smola, Prof. SVN Vishwanathan
NICTA Canberra, Australia
Student of Biology (M.Sc. in 2003)
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford
Student of Computer Science (Diplom in 2004)
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (on leave for studying in Oxford during academic year 2002/03)
since 2023
Honorary Professor
Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Remarkable Output award (“Must-read paper of 2021”) as joint last author of Weis et al., Nature Medicine 28 : 164–174 (2022)
Scientific Coordinator of Swiss National Data Stream on infection-related intensive care unit research (jointly with Prof. Adrian Egli (UZH), 5 million CHF funding, 21 partner labs, 3 years)
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Remarkable Output award (“Must-read paper of 2020”) as joint last author of Höllerer et al., Nature Communications 11 , Article number: 3551 (2020)
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) Graduate Paper Award as supervisor and co-author of PhD student & co-awardee Thomas Gumbsch for Hyland et al, Nature Medicine, volume 26, pages 364–373 (2020)
ELLIS Fellow and ELLIS Faculty Member
Scientific Coordinator of a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network on Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine (2019-2022, 8 countries, 14 labs, 14 PhD students,
One of " 25 individuals who have the potential to shape the next 25 years " according to Focus Magazine(Edition of January 13, 2018)
Scientific Coordinator of the SPHN-PHRT Driver Project "Personalized Swiss Sepsis Study" (jointly with Dr. Adrian Egli (USB), 5.3 million CHF funding, 22 partner labs, 4 years)
President of the Community of Special Interest for Machine Learning in Computational and Systems Biology in the International Society for Computational Biology, 2017-2020
Golden Owl Award for Best Teaching in the Department Biosystems, ETH Zürich
One of the " Top 40 under 40 in Science and Society " in Germany according to Business Journal Capital
Starting Grant Awardee (ERC backup scheme of the Swiss National Science Foundation, 1.42 million CHF, 5 years, started May 1st, 2015)
Elected Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Annual Meeting for Machine Learning in Systems Biology(MLSB), 2015-2018
One of the " Top 40 under 40 in State & Society " from Germany (including 12 scientists) according to Business Journal Capital
One of the " Top 40 under 40 in Science " from Germany according to Business Journal Capital
Alfried-Krupp-Förderpreis für junge Hochschullehrer (Annual Krupp award of 1 million EUR for one professor in Germany of age less than 38)
Scientific Coordinator of a Marie Curie Initial Training Network on Machine Learning in Personalized Medicine(2013-2016, 8 countries, 12 labs, 14 PhD students,
NIPS Outstanding Student Paper Award as supervisor and co-author of PhD student & awardee Nino Shervashidze (out of 1105 submissions)
Heinz-Schwärtzel-Dissertation-Award for Foundations of Computer Science (Best PhD thesis award in Computer Science at TUM, LMU and UniBw München)
Scholar of the German Academic Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) as PhD student
Scholar of the German Academic Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) as undergraduate student
Scholar of the Bavarian Foundation for the Gifted (BayBFG) (250 students out of 30,000 students per year in Bavaria)
Scholar of the Stiftung Maximilianeum in Munich (5-10 students out of 30,000 students per year in Bavaria)
Ph.D. in Computer Science (obtained on July 5, 2007) , summa cum laude
Data Mining & Database Unit, Chairholder: Prof. Hans-Peter Kriegel
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Diplom (M.Sc. equivalent) in Computer Science
Department of Mathematics, Computer Science & Statistics
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
M.Sc. in Biology
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford
Co-applicant in SNSF Project “Derivation of pediatric sepsis phenotypes using machine learning applied to clinical, functional and genomic data from the swiss pediatric sepsis study” (own budget: 330.000 CHF, 4 years)
Participant in National Centre of Competence in Research “AntiResist” (own budget: 200.000 CHF, 4 years)
Scientific Coordinator of a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (in total: 14 PhD students at 14 labs in 8 countries, network budget: 3.64 million EUR, own budget: 0.3 million EUR, 4 years)
Scientific Coordinator of the SPHN-PHRT Driver Project "Personalized Swiss Sepsis Study" (jointly with Dr. Adrian Egli (USB), 22 partner labs, total budget: 5.3 million CHF funding, own budget: 1.08 million CHF, 4 years)
Partner node in Horizon2020 research network on MRI classification (own budget: 520.000 CHF, 4 years)
Starting Grant for Significant Pattern Mining (ERC backup scheme of the Swiss National Science Foundation, 1.42 million CHF, 5 years)
Alfried Krupp Award for Young Professors (1 million EUR, 5 years)
Scientific Coordinator of a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (in total: 14 PhD students at 12 labs in 8 countries, network budget: 3.75 million EUR, own budget: 0.75 million EUR, 4 years)
Co-founder & scientific mentor of the Tübingen-based bioinformatics service company Computomics(; supported by the High-Tech Venture Capital Funds of the German Federal Government since 2015.
Research grant from DFG for Kernels on Large, Labeled Graphs (German Research Council, 3 years approx. 240.000 EUR)
Departmental Roles at ETH Zurich
- Deputy department chair (since 2021)
- Responsible professor for departmental IT services (since 2019)
- Chairman of the departmental doctoral committee (since 2016)
Scientific Coordinator
- Marie Curie Initial Training Network on Machine Learning Frontier in Precision Medicine (2019-2022, 14 labs with 14 PhD students)
- SPHN-PHRT Driver Project Personalized Swiss Sepsis Study (2018-2022, jointly with Prof. Adrian Egli (USB), 22 partner labs)
- President of the Community of Special Interest for Machine Learning in Computational and Systems Biology in the International Society for Computational Biology, 2017-2020
- Elected Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Annual Meeting for Machine Learning in Systems Biology (MLSB, 2015-2020)
- Scientific Coordinator of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network on Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine (2013-2016, 12 labs with 14 PhD students)
Board Member or Expert Reviewer
- Scientific Advisory Board Member of Tübingen's Quantitative Biology Center QBIC (2015-)
- Steering Board Member of the Swiss Data Science Center (2015-)
- Steering Board Member of the ETH Nexus Personalized Medicine Platform (2014-2020)
- Expert Reviewer for the Swiss National Ethics Committee on "Machine Learning for the Analysis of Biobanks" (2014)
- OUP Bioinformatics (Associate Editor, since 2021)
- Journal of Machine Learning Research (Action Editor, since 2013)
- Springer’s Machine Learning Journal (Editorial Board Member 2011-2018)
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (Associate Editor 2012-2016)
Programme Chair
- Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine Summer School 2021 (online, free to the public)
- MLFPM Winter Symposium 2021 (online, free to the public)
- Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine Summer School 2020 (online, free to the public)
- Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine Summer School 2019 (Basel/Muttenz, 100 participants)
- ECML/PKDD Journal Track Co-Chair 2019
- Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine Conference 2016 (Barcelona, 70 participants)
- Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine Summer School 2013 (Tübingen, 65 participants)
- Machine Learning for Systems Biology Meeting 2012 (Basel, 150 participants)
- Machine Learning Summer School 2011 (Purdue, co-organizer, 200 participants)
- NIPS Workshop: Personalized Medicine Workshop 2011 (Granada, Workshop with 50 participants)
- Mining and Learning on Graphs Meeting 2009 (Leuven, 100 participants)
- NIPS Workshop: Transfer Learning on Structured Data 2009 (Vancouver, 50 participants)
- NIPS Workshop: Structured Input Structured Output 2008 (Vancouver, 50 participants)
Furthermore, frequently area chair at the leading machine learning conferences (ICML, NeurIPS, AISTATS, KDD, ECML, ICML, IJCAI), reviewer for numerous leading journals, conferences, funding agencies and faculty recruiting committees in Machine Learning, Data Mining, Applied Mathematics, Bioinformatics and Genetics.