Nature Photography Contest 2020

August 11, 2020

Common blue on common bent

Captured on August 11th in front of c-building.

Public vote: 1. Place
July 20, 2020

Common moorhen in morning dew

Captured on July 20th 2020 at the pond.
July 06, 2020

Wasp spider

Captured on August 3rd at the wetlands close to IZB.
July 31, 2020

Rover’s landing

The image shows Braconid wasp landing on flowers. It is illuminated by a solar lamp, which gives a cosmic feeling to the scenery. Its lifestyle also refers to “invasion”, since it lays eggs inside a host insect and the larvae feed on the host.

Captured on July 31st 2020 at the meadow in front of main entrance.

July 31, 2020

Light as a feather

The common blue butterfly (Polyommatus icarus) – its Latin name refers to mythological Icarus who used birds’ feathers to fly above the sea to escape from Crete island. This butterfly is very tiny with wingspan of 3.5 cm, which makes it delicate and unnoticeable when flying. It is also very sensitive to strong winds.

Captured on July 31st 2020 at the meadow in front of MPIN.

August 07, 2020

Sweet as sugar

The common blue butterfly – its caterpillars excrete a sweet substance which attracts ants who in turn protect them from predators by bringing them to the nest. The males have completely blue upper sides, whereas females, like the one in the photo, are brown with orange dots and a bit of blueish tint on their body.

Captured on August 7th 2020 at the meadow in front of main entrance.

July 06, 2020

Grey heron

Captured on July 6th 2020 at 14:01 at the pond.
June 12, 2020

Blue emperor

Captured on June 12th 2020 at 14:32 at the pond.
July 06, 2020

Common moorhen chick with water lilies

Captured on July 6th 2020 at 14:32 at the pond.
August 03, 2020

European goldfinch (Carduelis Carduelis)

Captured on August 3rd 2020 in front of Borst department close to the large parking area.

Jury vote: 2. Place
Public vote: 3. Place
June 26, 2020

Common moorhens (Gallinula chloropus): Squab in front, followed by an adult (unknown gender)

Captured on June 26th 2020 at the pond.
June 23, 2020

Ant (probably Lasius niger) and bee (Apis melifera)

Captured on June 23rd 2020 in front of Borst department at the dry grassland planting area.

Jury vote: 1. Place
July 03, 2020

Grey heron at the pond


Captured at July 3, 2020 at the pond.
June 18, 2020

Cherry-picking fieldfare


Captured at June 18th 2020 in the trees next to main entrance.

June 18, 2020

European robin caught midsong


Captured on June 18th 2020 in the forest behind the MPI.

July 31, 2020



Captured on July 31st at the Pond.
July 31, 2020

Tree log as boundary

Captured on July 31st next to the path to the tennis courts.
July 31, 2020


Captured on July 31st at the walls of neurobiology building opposite of the workshops.
July 24, 2020

The brown Hare

It was a nice summer evening and I walked to the nearby woods next to the MPI for taking some photos for the competition. Honestly the only thing I expected to find were lots of flora and if I get lucky some birds. But suddenly I heard a noise a few yards away from me and I could only spot a pair of ears! This Hare was a master of camouflage. I tried for about 45 minutes to get a proper photograph of this animal and finally there he was between the trees. I had one chance, I shot the picture, he made eye contact for a few seconds and then he disappeared.

Captured at July 24th 2020 in the woods just behind the football field.

July 24, 2020

Birds on campus Martinsried



According to the Merlin Bird ID app this is a Juvenile "Great Tit", a common bird in the European woods and parks. I am not a bird watcher and did not have any interest in bird watching until now. I believe this competition has made me more curious about birds and thanks to Sabine Suppmann for introducing me to the Merlin app.

Captured at July 24th 2020 in the woods just behind the football field.

July 22, 2020

The hovering insect

While this seems to be a simple picture of the water lilies in the MPI pond, I was actually tracking an insect that was constantly moving from one water lily to another. One can see it hovering over the flower. It was a fascinating sight since the insect seemed to be totally busy and uninterrupted in the morning hours. It was definitely not a honey bee. Thanks to these tiny pollinators we enjoy the sight of these beautiful flowers and hopefully will see more water lilies soon.

Captured at July 22nd 2020 at the pond close to the guest house.

Swimming duck

'She is swimming toward you, focus with your camera!' my wife is excited about the friendly duck who does not seem afraid of biology scientists.

Captured on August 14th at the pond.

A glimpse of lake

'There is a baby duck, focus with your camera!' my wife is excited about the new comer of the lake.

Captured on August 14th 2020 at the pond.

August 09, 2020


'Let’s take some pictures beside the lake, focus with your camera!' My wife loves dandelion and also a peaceful corner of the campus.

Captured on August 9th 2020 behind the pond.

Water lily in the sunset

Captured on July 9th around the pond close to LMU.

A working bumblebee

Captured on July 9th close to LMU campus.