Borner Group - Key Publications
Itzhak, D.N., S. Tyanova, J. Cox, and G.H. Borner, Global, quantitative and dynamic mapping of protein subcellular localization. Elife, 2016. 5: e16950.
Read this to find out about our ‘proteomic microscope’ approach.
Lundberg, E., and Borner, G.H.H. (2019). Spatial proteomics: a powerful discovery tool for cell biology. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 20, 285-302.
Learn more about Spatial Proteomics in this review.
Davies, A.K., Itzhak, D.N., Edgar, J.R., Archuleta, T.L., Hirst, J., Jackson, L.P., Robinson, M.S., and Borner, G.H.H. (2018). AP-4 vesicles contribute to spatial control of autophagy via RUSC-dependent peripheral delivery of ATG9A. Nat Commun 9, 3958.
An application of our ‘proteomic microscope’ approach to reveal the molecular basis of a genetic disorder that causes intellectual disability and spastic paraplegia.
Itzhak, D.N., C. Davies, S. Tyanova, A. Mishra, J. Williamson, R. Antrobus, J. Cox, M. P. Weekes and G.H. Borner, A Mass Spectrometry-Based Approach for Mapping Protein Subcellular Localization Reveals the Spatial Proteome of Mouse Primary Neurons. Cell Reports, 2017. 20:2706-18.
An application of our ‘proteomic microscope’ to primary cells
Publications Georg Borner
Borner, G. H. H. (2020). Organellar Maps Through Proteomic Profiling - A Conceptual Guide. Mol Cell Proteomics 19, 1076-1087.
Kozik, P., M. Gros, D.N. Itzhak, L. Joannas, S. Heurtebise-Chretien, P.A. Krawczyk, P. Rodriguez-Silvestre, A. Alloatti, J.G. Magalhaes, E. Del Nery, G.H.H. Borner, and Amigorena, S. (2020). Small Molecule Enhancers of Endosome-to-Cytosol Import Augment Anti-tumor Immunity. Cell Rep 32, 107905.
Behne, R., J. Teinert, M. Wimmer, A. D'Amore, A.K. Davies, J.M. Scarrott, K. Eberhardt, B. Brechmann, I.P. Chen, E.D. Buttermore, L. Barrett, S. Dwyer, T. Chen, J. Hirst, A. Wiesener, D. Segal, A. Martinuzzi, S.T. Duarte, J.T. Bennett, T. Bourinaris, H. Houlden, A. Roubertie, F.M. Santorelli, M. Robinson, M. Azzouz, J.O. Lipton, G.H.H. Borner, M. Sahin, and Ebrahimi-Fakhari, D. (2020). Adaptor protein complex 4 deficiency: a paradigm of childhood-onset hereditary spastic paraplegia caused by defective protein trafficking. Hum Mol Genet 29, 320-334.
Lundberg, E., and Borner, G.H.H. (2019). Spatial proteomics: a powerful discovery tool for cell biology. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 20, 285-302.
Schmidt, R.M., Schessner, J.P., Borner, G.H., and Schuck, S. (2019). The proteasome biogenesis regulator Rpn4 cooperates with the unfolded protein response to promote ER stress resistance. Elife 8.
Davies, A.K., Itzhak, D.N., Edgar, J.R., Archuleta, T.L., Hirst, J., Jackson, L.P., Robinson, M.S., and Borner, G.H.H. (2018). AP-4 vesicles contribute to spatial control of autophagy via RUSC-dependent peripheral delivery of ATG9A. Nat Commun 9, 3958.
Itzhak, D.N., Schessner, J.P., and Borner, G.H.H. (2018). Dynamic Organellar Maps for Spatial Proteomics. Curr Protoc Cell Biol, e81.
Szoradi, T., Schaeff, K., Garcia-Rivera, E.M., Itzhak, D.N., Schmidt, R.M., Bircham, P.W., Leiss, K., Diaz-Miyar, J., Chen, V.K., Muzzey, D., et al. (2018). SHRED Is a Regulatory Cascade that Reprograms Ubr1 Substrate Specificity for Enhanced Protein Quality Control during Stress. Mol Cell 70, 1025-1037 e1025.
Shurtleff, M.J., Itzhak, D.N., Hussmann, J.A., Schirle Oakdale, N.T., Costa, E.A., Jonikas, M., Weibezahn, J., Popova, K.D., Jan, C.H., Sinitcyn, P., et al. (2018). The ER membrane protein complex interacts cotranslationally to enable biogenesis of multipass membrane proteins. Elife 7.
Krahmer, N., Najafi, B., Schueder, F., Quagliarini, F., Steger, M., Seitz, S., Kasper, R., Salinas, F., Cox, J., Uhlenhaut, N.H., et al. (2018). Organellar Proteomics and Phospho-Proteomics Reveal Subcellular Reorganization in Diet-Induced Hepatic Steatosis. Dev Cell 47, 205-221 e207.
Hirst, J., D. N. Itzhak, R. Antrobus, G. H. Borner and M. S. Robinson (2018). "Role of the AP-5 adaptor protein complex in late endosome-to-Golgi retrieval." PLoS biology 16(1): e2004411.
Nahorski, M. S., G. H. Borner, S. S. Shaikh, A. K. Davies, L. Al-Gazali, R. Antrobus and C. G. Woods (2018). "Clathrin heavy chain 22 contributes to the control of neuropeptide degradation and secretion during neuronal development." Scientific Reports 8(1): 2340.
Itzhak, D. N., C. Davies, S. Tyanova, A. Mishra, J. Williamson, R. Antrobus, J. Cox, M. P. Weekes and G. H. Borner (2017). "A Mass Spectrometry-Based Approach for Mapping Protein Subcellular Localization Reveals the Spatial Proteome of Mouse Primary Neurons." Cell reports 20(11): 2706-2718.
Sahu, B. S., P. T. Manna, J. R. Edgar, R. Antrobus, S. K. Mahata, A. Bartolomucci, G. H. Borner and M. S. Robinson (2017). "Role of clathrin in dense core vesicle biogenesis." Molecular biology of the cell 28(20): 2676-2685.
Itzhak, D. N., S. Tyanova, J. Cox and G. H. Borner (2016). "Global, quantitative and dynamic mapping of protein subcellular localization." Elife 5.
Frazier, M. N., A. K. Davies, M. Voehler, A. K. Kendall, G. H. Borner, W. J. Chazin, M. S. Robinson and L. P. Jackson (2016). "Molecular basis for the interaction between AP4 β4 and its accessory protein, tepsin." Traffic 17(4): 400-415.
Hirst, J., J. R. Edgar, G. H. Borner, S. Li, D. A. Sahlender, R. Antrobus and M. S. Robinson (2015). "Contributions of epsinR and gadkin to clathrin-mediated intracellular trafficking." Molecular biology of the cell 26(17): 3085-3103.
Nahorski, M. S., L. Al-Gazali, J. Hertecant, D. J. Owen, G. H. Borner, Y.-C. Chen, C. L. Benn, O. P. Carvalho, S. S. Shaikh and A. Phelan (2015). "A novel disorder reveals clathrin heavy chain-22 is essential for human pain and touch development." Brain 138(8): 2147-2160.
Borner, G. H., M. Y. Hein, J. Hirst, J. R. Edgar, M. Mann and M. S. Robinson (2014). "Fractionation profiling: a fast and versatile approach for mapping vesicle proteomes and protein–protein interactions." Molecular biology of the cell 25(20): 3178-3194.
Borner, G. H. and A. B. Fielding (2014). "Isolation of Clathrin-Coated Vesicles from Tissue Culture Cells." Cold Spring Harbor Protocols 2014(11): pdb. top074435.
Hirst, J., C. Irving and G. H. Borner (2013). "Adaptor Protein Complexes AP‐4 and AP‐5: New Players in Endosomal Trafficking and Progressive Spastic Paraplegia." Traffic 14(2): 153-164.
Hirst, J., G. H. Borner, J. Edgar, M. Y. Hein, M. Mann, F. Buchholz, R. Antrobus and M. S. Robinson (2013). "Interaction between AP-5 and the hereditary spastic paraplegia proteins SPG11 and SPG15." Molecular biology of the cell 24(16): 2558-2569.
Borner, G. H., R. Antrobus, J. Hirst, G. S. Bhumbra, P. Kozik, L. P. Jackson, D. A. Sahlender and M. S. Robinson (2012). "Multivariate proteomic profiling identifies novel accessory proteins of coated vesicles." J Cell Biol 197(1): 141-160.
Hirst, J., G. H. Borner, R. Antrobus, A. A. Peden, N. A. Hodson, D. A. Sahlender and M. S. Robinson (2012). "Distinct and overlapping roles for AP-1 and GGAs revealed by the “knocksideways” system." Current Biology 22(18): 1711-1716.
Antrobus, R. and G. H. Borner (2011). "Improved elution conditions for native co-immunoprecipitation." PloS one 6(3): e18218.
Hirst, J., D. A. Sahlender, S. Li, N. B. Lubben, G. H. Borner and M. S. Robinson (2008). "Auxilin Depletion Causes Self‐Assembly of Clathrin into Membraneless Cages In Vivo." Traffic 9(8): 1354-1371.
Borner, G. H., A. A. Rana, R. Forster, M. Harbour, J. C. Smith and M. S. Robinson (2007). "CVAK104 is a Novel Regulator of Clathrin‐mediated SNARE Sorting." Traffic 8(7): 893-903.
Borner, G. H., M. Harbour, S. Hester, K. S. Lilley and M. S. Robinson (2006). "Comparative proteomics of clathrin-coated vesicles." J Cell Biol 175(4): 571-578.
Borner, G. H., D. J. Sherrier, T. Weimar, L. V. Michaelson, N. D. Hawkins, A. MacAskill, J. A. Napier, M. H. Beale, K. S. Lilley and P. Dupree (2005). "Analysis of detergent-resistant membranes in Arabidopsis. Evidence for plasma membrane lipid rafts." Plant physiology 137(1): 104-116.
Roudier, F., A. G. Fernandez, M. Fujita, R. Himmelspach, G. H. Borner, G. Schindelman, S. Song, T. I. Baskin, P. Dupree and G. O. Wasteneys (2005). "COBRA, an Arabidopsis extracellular glycosyl-phosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein, specifically controls highly anisotropic expansion through its involvement in cellulose microfibril orientation." The Plant Cell 17(6): 1749-1763.
Hirst, J., G. H. Borner, M. Harbour and M. S. Robinson (2005). "The aftiphilin/p200/γ-synergin complex." Molecular biology of the cell 16(5): 2554-2565.
Lalanne, E., D. Honys, A. Johnson, G. H. Borner, K. S. Lilley, P. Dupree, U. Grossniklaus and D. Twell (2004). "SETH1 and SETH2, two components of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor biosynthetic pathway, are required for pollen germination and tube growth in Arabidopsis." The Plant Cell 16(1): 229-240.
Borner, G. H., K. S. Lilley, T. J. Stevens and P. Dupree (2003). "Identification of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis. A proteomic and genomic analysis." Plant physiology 132(2): 568-577.
Eisenhaber, B., M. Wildpaner, C. J. Schultz, G. H. Borner, P. Dupree and F. Eisenhaber (2003). "Glycosylphosphatidylinositol lipid anchoring of plant proteins. Sensitive prediction from sequence-and genome-wide studies for Arabidopsis and rice." Plant Physiology 133(4): 1691-1701.
Borner, G. H., D. J. Sherrier, T. J. Stevens, I. T. Arkin and P. Dupree (2002). "Prediction of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins in Arabidopsis. A genomic analysis." Plant Physiology 129(2): 486-499.
Shih, Y. L., S. J. Harris, G. Borner, M. M. Rivet and G. P. Salmond (1999). "The hexY genes of Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora and ssp. atroseptica encode novel proteins that regulate virulence and motility co‐ordinately." Environmental microbiology 1(6): 535-547.