
04/28/04Laboratory of Structural Biology Research, BethesdaUSA
05/03/04European Molecular Biology Laboratory, HeidelbergGERMANY
05/04/04Molecular & Cellular Biology, DavisUSA
05/04/04National Institute of Standards and Technology, GaithersburgUSA
05/05/04California Institute of Technology, PasadenaUSA
05/05/04Wadsworth Center, Empire State Plaza, AlbanyUSA
05/05/04FEI Company, EindhovenNETHERLANDS
05/06/04Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, BerkeleyUSA
05/06/04National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, BerkeleyUSA
05/10/04Biological SCI, University of Georgia, AthensUSA
05/10/04Electron Microscopy Unit, Weizmann Institute of Science, RehovotISRAEL
05/10/04Molecular Cell Biology, faculty of Biology, UtrechtNETHERLANDS
05/14/04Dick McIntoshes Lab, University of Colorado, BoulderUSA
05/18/04Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lab, Stanford Linear Accelerator, Menlo ParkUSA
05/19/04EMAT, Department of Physics, AntwerpBELGIUM
05/24/04Institut Curie, ParisFRANCE
05/24/04Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, MadridSPAIN
05/24/04Laboratory of Cell Biology, National Cancer Institute, BethesdaUSA
06/07/04NIST, Microanalysis Research Group, GaithersburgUSA
06/07/04Division of Structural Biology, Welcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, OxfordENGLAND
06/14/04MPI fuer biophysikalische Chemie, Department of Cellular Biochemistry, GoettingenGERMANY
06/15/04National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, University of California, San DiegoUSA
06/18/04Physikalische Institut , Universität RegensburgGERMANY
06/22/04The Scripps Research Institute , La JollaUSA
07/09/04Unidad de Biocomputación, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC), MadridSPAIN
08/24/04Soft Imaging System GmbH, MünsterGERMANY
09/23/04Dept. electronica, University of BarcelonaSPAIN
09/28/04Research Engineer Coherent Technologie Inc. , LouisvilleUSA
09/29/04Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, LivermoreUSA
10/26/04Institut für Biomathematik und Biometrie , NeuherbergGERMANY
10/27/04National Center for Biotechnology, Biocomputer Unit (BCU), MadridSPAIN
11/02/04Membrane and Auditory Bioengineering Laboratory, Rice University, HoustonUSA
11/14/04San Jose State University, EE 297, DSP and Communications, San JoseUSA
11/15/04Faculté de Médecine, Institut Fédératif de Recherche ,INSERM , ReimsFRANCE
11/26/04Essex group, ColumbiaUSA
12/15/04Dept. Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of MinnesotaUSA
01/17/05Laboratoire d'Analyse Ultrastructural, Batiment de Biologie, LausanneSWITZERLAND
01/21/05Research Center for Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka UniversityJAPAN
02/22/05Programs of Cell Adhesion and Bioinformatics, Burnham Institute, San DiegoUSA
05/28/05Belozersky Institute, Moscow State UniversityRUSSIA
06/22/05Interactive Supercomputing, BostonUSA
07/06/05Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, University of Queensland, BrisbaneAUSTRALIA
07/26/05Department of Electrical Engineering, Chiang Mai UniversityTHAILAND
08/21/05Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department, Polytechnic University of ValenciaSPAIN
09/16/05Material Laboratory (GEMPPM) of INSA of LyonFRANCE
09/30/05Structure Biology Group, University of Texas Health Science Center, HoustonUSA
10/20/05Université de Haute Alsace, Intelligent Structures and Machines, MulhouseFRANCE
11/14/05UCLA Dept. of Physics, Coherent Imaging Group, Los AngelesUSA
12/06/05Arizona State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, TempeUSA
12/13/05National Cancer Institute, Image Analysis Lab, SAIC, FrederickUSA
12/15/05Weizmann Institute of Science, Organic Chemistry, RehovotISRAEL
12/16/05Department of Physics and Technology, Kharkov National UniversityUKRAINE
12/21/05Triebenberg Laboratory, Institute of Structure Physics, Dresden UniversityGERMANY
12/21/05Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Inst. Mol. Biol. Bioophysics, ZürichSWITZERLAND
02/16/06Chemistry Department, Stony Brook University, New YorkUSA
03/10/06Department of Biochemistry, Gyeongsang National University, ChinjuKOREA
04/07/06Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Physical Chemistry (EMZM), MainzGERMANY
05/05/06Ecore superieur d'électricité (Supelec), L2S, Gif-sur-YvetteFRANCE
05/08/06Sir Alexander Fleming Building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College, LondonENGLAND
05/10/06Dept. of Production Systems Engineering, Toyohashi Univ. of TechnologyJAPAN
05/11/06Institute of Physics of the Earth, Ionosphere of the Earth, MoscowRUSSIA
05/31/06Faculty of Engineering, C.I.R.A.M. Research Center, University of BolognaITALY
06/01/06Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State UniversityUSA
10/05/06Gemeinschaftslabor für Elektronenmikroskopie, RWTH AachenGERMANY
10/12/06MRC - Laboratory of Molecular BiologyENGLAND
10/16/06Korea University, SeoulKOREA
10/12/06MRC - Laboratory of Molecular BiologyENGLAND
11/22/06The Scripps Research Institute, LaJollaUSA
12/08/06Unidad de Biologia Estructural, DerioSPAIN
12/11/06Institute of Cancer Research, LondonENGLAND
01/03/07Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, BerkleyUSA
01/04/07Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, ZürichSWITZERLAND
01/25/07National Institutes of Health, BethesdaUSA
01/29/07Universiteit Utrecht, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH, UtrechtNETHERLANDS
01/31/07University of California, San DiegoUSA
02/15/07Molecular Electron Microscopy, IGBMC, IllkirchFRANCE

Laboratory of Macromolecular and Organic Chemistry, Eindhoven University

02/27/07Departement of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of CambridgeUK
03/08/07Caltech, PasadenaUSA
03/08/07Physics Department, Group EMAT, AntwerpenBELGIUM
03/22/07Mitsubishi Chemical Group Science and Technology Research Center, Inc., YokohamaJAPAN
03/29/07MPI für Metallforschung, StuttgartGERMANY
05/31/07Laboratoire du Trafic Membranaire, Gif-sur-YvetteFRANCE
05/31/07Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes (UMR 8506 CNRS-Supélec-UPS), Gif-sur-YvetteFRANCE
06/14/07Institut für Makromolekulare Chemie, Uni FreiburgGERMANY
06/18/07Chemical Engineering, Los AngelesUSA
07/11/07North Campus Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory, MichiganUSA
07/24/07Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica e Gestionale, Roio PoggioITALY
07/25/07Steve Ludtke Lab National Center for Macromolecular Imaging, HoustonUSA
07/25/07Kyung Hee University - Suwon Campus- Biomechanical Lab, Kyung HeeKOREA
08/07/07CNB universidad autonoma de Madrid, Centro National de BiologySPAIN
08/09/07Paul Scherrer Institut, Electrochemistry Laboratory, Villigen PSISWITZERLAND
08/20/07School of Electrical Engineering and AutomationCHINA
08/22/07University of Warwick, Lab OELUK
08/27/07HCM University of Technology, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, HCMCVIETNAM
09/04/07Tianjin University, Lab: Measurement and TomographyCHINA
09/11/07Ionospheric Study Group, WuHan CityCHINA
10/02/07Signal Processing, Automation and Control DepartmentFRANCE
10/09/07Center for Molecular Medicine, Medical University, GrazAUSTRIA
11/15/07Sidec AB, Research and Development, KistaSWEDEN
12/12/07Mathématiques et Statistique, University of MontrealCANADA
02/06/08Biological signal processing and biological system modeling, Cornell University, NYUSA
02/18/08Discrete Imaging and Graphics Group Electron Microscope, City University of New YorkUSA
03/04/08Electron Microscopy Laboratory, BeijingCHINA
03/05/08Institut of Medicals Technologies (Inserm), LilleFRANCE
03/31/08Institut für nichtmetallische Werkstoffe, ZürichSWITZERLAND
03/31/08UCSF MC 2240, San FranciscoUSA
03/31/08Dept. Computer Architecture and electronics, University of AlmeriaSPAIN
05/07/08Computer Vision, TorontoCANADA
05/15/08Norwegian University of Science and Technology, TrondheimNORWAY
05/23/08IIT Nanobiotechnology, GenovaITALY
06/09/08Medical Image processing, BucharestROMANIA
06/11/08Dept. Arquitectura Computadores y Electronica, University of AlmeriaSPAIN
06/12/08Computational Biology, University of Southern California, Los AngelesUSA
06/18/08University College London, CMIC, Computer ScienceUK
06/23/08Xian University, Biomedical Institute, Image reconstructionCHINA
07/07/08Institute Pasteur, ParisFRANCE
07/30/08Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los AngelesUSA
08/13/081 University Station, Computational Visualization Center, Austin, TexasUSA
08/13/08Lawrence Berkeley National LabUSA
09/08/08Claus-Peter Richter, Department of Otolaryngology, ChicagoUSA
09/10/08MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, CambridgeUK
09/11/08Institute f. zoology dept. II, University MainzGERMANY
09/12/08Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm UniversitySWEDEN
09/17/08GWDG, European Neuroscience Institute Göttingen, Molecular NeurogeneticsGERMANY
09/27/08Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, RoskildeDENMARK
10/31/08Manitoba Institute of Cell Biology, S. Mai's Lab, WinnipegCANADA
11/03/08Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik, Lehrstuhl für Lasertechnik, AachenGERMANY
11/10/08Center for Advanced Medical Engineering and Informatics, OsakaJAPAN
11/17/08Weizmann Institute of Science,Herzl st. Israel, EM UnitISRAEL
11/18/08Center for Electron Nanoscopy, Danish Technical University, LyngbyDENMARK
12/01/08Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai - 400085INDIA
12/08/08Paul Scherrer Institut, Labor füür Synchrotronstrahlung, VilligenSWITZERLAND
12/15/08Eindhoven University of Technology, Laboratory of Materials and InterfaceNETHERLANDS
12/17/08Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Molecular Cell BiologyNETHERLANDS
02/16/09University of Heidelberg, Medical School, Department of ParasitologyGERMANY
03/02/09Lab Bist, Mumbai, MaharashtraINDIA
03/10/09Unidad de Biocomputación, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC), MadridSPAIN
04/07/09Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Michigan State UniversityUSA
04/27/09University of Houston, Bioimaging Core LaboratoryUSA
04/28/09Ulm University, Central Facility of Electron MicroscopyGERMANY
05/06/09HHMI, Lab Joachim Frank, New YorkUSA
05/06/09Emory University, Pediatrics Infectious Diseases, Lab Elizabeth Wright, AtlantaUSA
05/26/09Zuse Institute Berlin, Visualization and Data Analysis GroupGERMANY
06/02/09Universität Regensburg, Group: PD Dr. Reinhard Rachel, Institute for AnatomyGERMANY
06/02/09Physics and Astronomy Building, Lab: John Miao, UCLA, Los AngelesUSA
06/05/09ECL, Lap: LTDS, Group: Biomechanics, LyonFRANCE
06/15(09Lap: ECL, Group: Carazo, MadridSPAIN
06/19/09Institut Pasteur, Lab: URA 2582, ParisFRANCE
06/23/09Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology Birkbeck College, LondonUK
07/17/09LUMC, Molecular Cell Biology, LeidenNETHERLANDS
08/18/09Lab of computational cell biology, Group: Frank Alber, Los AngelesUSA
08/19/09Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Group: MedaliaISRAEL
09/22/09IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New YorkUSA
09/23/09Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones CientificasVENEZUELA
10/14/09Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Group: Cryo TEM unitNETHERLANDS
10/19/09University of Leeds, Lab: Electron MicroscopyUK
10/19/09University of California, Lab: Prof. BrennerUSA
10/23/09Structural Biology Building, Derio-BizkaiaSPAIN
10/23/09Kyoto University Oiwake, Department of Biophysics, Fujiyoshi Lab, KyotoJAPAN
10/26/09Material and Chemical Research Labs/ITRI, HsinChuTAIWAN
10/27/09Insitute for Materials Science, KielGERMANY
12/16/09Biozentrum, Center for Cellular Imaging and Nanoanalytics, BaselSWITZERLAND
01/25/10Department of Biophysics, Peking UniversityCHINA
01/25/10Abt. Hybride Werkstoffe und Leichtbaustrukturen, Universität KarlsruheGERMANY
02/26/10Cornell Applied Physics, Ithaca NYUSA
02/26/10University of California Davis, Molecular and Cellular BiologyUSA
03/22/10Caesar Electron Microscopy Lab, BonnGERMANY
03/29/10Pennsylvania State University, Material Research InstituteUSA
04/12/10New York University Medical CenterUSA
04/12/10University of Basque country, LeioaSPAIN
05/05/10University of Pennsylvania, Micro- and Nanomechanical Testing GroupUSA
05/17/10Universidad Politécnica de MadridSPAIN
05/21/10University of California Santa Barbara, Materials Department, UCSBUSA
05/26/10Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Group: Gerd Schneider, BerlinGERMANY
05/27/10CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory, GeelongAUSTRALIA
06/10/10University Duisburg-Essen, ExperimentalphysikGERMANY
07/01/10Lab: Structure Characterization, Group: Devision of Materials Design, WarsawPOLAND
09/08/10University of Pittsburgh, Computational BiologyUSA
09/08/10Lab Yen-Chywan Liaw, Structural Biology, TaipeiTAIWAN
09/10/10Emory University School of Medicine, Group: Wright Lab, AtlantaUSA
10/19/10Lab: Vidt CM, Group: H. Alemán, Buenos AiresARGENTINE
10/19/10Dep. of Chemical Engineering and Materials Research Institute, Pennsylvania State UniversityUSA
10/19/10University of Mainz, Institute of Physical ChemistryGERMANY
10/19/10University of QLD, Pattern recognition and image processing, BrisbaneAUSTRALIA
11/15/10Imaging Sciences Lab at Florida State University, TallahasseeUSA
11/17/10The Division of Structural Biology, University OxfordUK
12/10/10Dr Hanan Research Group, Tulsa, OklahomaUSA
12/15/10Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (DZNE), BonnGERMANY
01/05/11Biomedizin / D-BSSE, Lab: C-CINA, University of BaselSWITZERLAND
01/18/11Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of CambridgeENGLAND
01/28/11Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, VictoriaAUSTRALIA
01/31/11Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, HaifaISRAEL
02/02/11Macquarie University NSW, SydneyAUSTRALIA
02/07/11Institute of Medical Engineering, Ruhr Universität BochumGERMANY
02/24/11Lab Hoenger / BIO3D, University of Colorado, BoulderUSA
02/24/11Department of Material Science and Metallurgy University of CambridgeUNITED KINGDOM
03/09/11Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB)NETHERLANDS
04/01/11City College of New YorkUSA
04/13/11Caltech, Jensen Lab, PasadenaUSA
04/18/11Technical University of Berlin, Institut for Optics and Atomic PhysicsGERMANY
05/26/11Université Paul Sabatier, Laboratoire de biologie moléculaire EucaryoteFRANCE
06/07/11Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Mathematics, StockholmSWEDEN
06/09/11La Trobe University, Department of Biochemistry, MelbourneAUSTRALIA
07/06/11Israel Institute of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering, HaifaISRAEL
07/06/11Cancer Biology, George Lab, TucsonUSA
07/21/11MPI für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, GöttingenGERMANY
07/29/11EMBL Heidelberg, Jan Ellenberg's labGERMANY
08/17/11Center for Neurobiology of Stress, Los AngelesUSA
09/09/11Institut für Festkörperphysik, Group Rosenauer, BremenGERMANY
11/09/11School of Computing Science, Computer Vision & Graphics, University of GlasgowUNITED KINGDOM
11/12/12University of Arkansas, Physics Department, FayettevilleUSA
01/11/12National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Rosenthal Group, LondonUNITED KINGDOM
01/30/12National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MarylandUSA
01/30/12Curie Institute, Imagerie intégrative, de la molécule à l'organism, OrsayFRANCE
02/17/12Tohoku University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, SendaiJAPAN
04/10/12Queensland University of Technology, BrisbaneAUSTRALIA
04/12/12Laboratory of structural biology and biophysics, LausanneFRANCE
04/17/12University of Pretoria, Laboratory for Microscopy and Microanalysis, PretoriaSOUTH AFRICA
04/23/12Génie Electrique (LGE), PauFRANCE
05/02/12Gron Inst Biomolecular Sciences & Biotechnology, Molecular Cell Biology, GroningenNETHERLANDS
06/25/12University of WaterlooCANADA
06/29/12Institute de Chimie des Materiaux ParisFRANCE
07/02/12PerkinElmer, Lab PKI, Santa ClaraUSA
07/10/12Frank Lab Comumbia, New YorkUSA
07/10/12Neurobiology and Anatomy, Houston Medical School, Fannin, Houston, TexasUSA
07/16/12University of StrasbourgFRANCE
07/16/12Forschungszentrum Jülich, Plasma PhysicsGERMANY
07/20/12Dennehy Lab Queens College, New YorkUSA
07/20/12Joachim Frank Lab, New YorkUSA
09/03/12Hunan University, ChangshaCHINA
09/26/12Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, WuhanCHINA
10/26/12University of TorontoCANADA
12/11/12University of KentUNITED KINGDOM
01/10/13TU Dresden, Triebenberg Labor für Höchstaufgelöste Elektronenholographie, DresdenGERMANY
01/10/13University of Lorraine, Vandoeuvre-les-NancyFRANCE
01/13/14Institut Curie, Campus Universitaire d'OrsayFRANCE
02/28/14Ecole Centrale, ParisFRANCE
03/05/14MPI-CBG Gaia Pigno's group, DresdenGERMANY
04/24/14Technische Universität München, GarchingGERMANY
05/14/14Universität WürzburgGERMANY
08/21/14Institute of Anatomy, Universität BernSWITZERLAND
11/05/14Imperial College LondonUNITED KINGDOM
03/30/15Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz, SaarbrückenGERMANY
03/30/15Peking UniversityCHINA
11/04/15Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WAUSA
02/01/16University California San DiegoUSA
02/09/16Electron Microscopy Pilot Image Archive, CambridgeUNITED KINGDOM
02/18/16VTT Technical Research Center of FinlandFINLAND
06/08/16University of California Santa CruzUSA
06/13/16University of WisconsinUSA
07/04/16Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum HeidelbergGERMANY
10/18/16Agard Lab, UCSFUSA
11/07/16Materials science and engineering department, University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUSA
11/07/16Maastricht UniversityNETHERLANDS
11/17/16University California San DiegoUSA
02/10/17University of OxfordUNITED KINGDOM
04/03/17Umeå universitySWEDEN
04/20/17Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, BeijingCHINA
05/05/17National Institutes of Health, Jensen Lab, PasadenaUSA
05/09/17Tsinghua UniversityCHINA
05/29/17The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, MaineUSA
09/08/17École polytechnique fédérale de LausanneSCHWITZERLAND
11/07/17Thermo Fisher Scientific, ParisFRANCE
11/27/17Academia SinicaTAIWAN
12/05/17Institut de Biologie Structurale, GrenobleFRANCE
01/17/18School of Mathematical Science, Peking UniversityCHINA
02/09/18EMBL, Heidelberg, Ries GroupGERMANY
04/09/18Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Department Hartl, MartinsriedGERMANY
04/20/18Centre de Recherche Nucléaire de Birine, CRNB, Ain OusseraALGERIA
05/02/18University of Southern California, Frank Alber's lab, Los AngelesUSA
06/18/18Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityCHINA
06/27/18Stanford UniversityUSA
07/02/18Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland, BrisbaneAUSTRALIA
07/19/18Harvard Medical School, BostonUSA
08/09/18Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE), BonnGERMANY
08/30/18Department of Biological Sciences, Osaka UniversityJAPAN
09/03/18Hockmeyer Hall of Structural Biology, Purdue UniversityUSA
09/10/18Structural Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur, ParisFRANCE
09/27/18Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, FrankfurtGERMANY
10/15/18Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, StuttgartGERMANY
01/07/19Tsinghua University, BeijingCHINA
01/18/19Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Cell & Chemical BiologyNETHERLANDS
02/01/19QUT, Institute for Future Environments, BrisbaneAUSTRALIA
02/22/19University of Ulm, Central Facility for Electron MicroscopyGERMANY
03/25/19University of Southern California, Los AngelesUSA
03/28/19Rouiller's Research Group, University of MelbourneAUSTRALIA
04/29/19University of MarseillesFRANCE
05/02/19University of Missouri, ColumbiaUSA
05/29/19Stanford University CaliforniaUSA
06/03/19University of CambridgeUNITED KINGDOM
07/03/19Columbia UniversityUSA
03/09/20Max-Planck-Insitute DresdenGERMANY
03/09/20Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) HamburgGERMANY
03/09/20ChangChun Institute of Applied Chemistry ChangChunCHINA
05/14/20University of MilanITALY
06/24/20University Shanghaitech, ShanghaiCHINA
07/27/20Vanderbilt University, NashvilleUSA
08/13/20Forschungszentrum JülichGERMANY
09/18/20China Institute of Automation, BeijingCHINA
12/16/20Biology Centre CAS, Ceske BudejoviceCZECH REPUBLIC
01/14/21Max-Planck-Institute of Biophysical Chemistry, GöttingenGERMANY
02/01/21Hsu Lab, Institute of Biological Chemistry (IBC), Academia Sinica, TaipeiTAIWAN
03/05/21Jinek Group, University of ZürichSWITZERLAND
03/05/21University of California, San DiegoUSA
03/05/21University of California, San DiegoUSA
10/14/21Institue of Biophysics, CAS, BeijingCHINA
10/14/21Taiwan Protein Project in Academia sinicaTAIWAN
10/14/21Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, BeijingCHINA
10/20/21Nationale Autonomous University of Mexiko, Mexico CityMEXICO
10/24/21Caltech, California Institute of TechnologyUSA
12/08/21University of Pennsylvania, Chang labUSA
12/13/21Penn State College of Medicine, HersheyUSA
12/16/21University of Wisconsin-MadisonUSA
02/22/22Vanderbilt University, Hillyer lab, NashvilleUSA
03/15/22Umea University, Barandun labUSA
04/18/22Seoul National University, Department of Biological scienceSOUTH KOREA
06/22/22Graduate School of Medicine, Mie UniversityJAPAN
06/23/22Forschungszentrum Jülich, Image analysis of Cryo-EM images, Sachse labGERMANY
06/30/22Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming - Institute for Cancer Research, OsloNORWAY
04/26/22EPFL, Stahlberg lab, LausanneSWITZERLAND
04/26/22UCLA, Molecular Biology Institute, Los AngelesUSA
07/04/22ETH Zürich, Wieczorek labSWITZERLAND
07/14/22Princeton UniversityUSA
09/02/22University of Sheffield, Hobbs labUNITED KINGDOM
09/29/22University of Pennsylvania, Moiseenkova-Bell labUSA
10/20/22University of Oxford, Structural biology of human pathogensUNITED KINGDOM
11/10/22University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ahlquist labUSA
12/29/22Institute of Biophysics, CAS, BeijingCHINA
02/03/23MPI of Structural Biochemistry, DortmundGERMANY
03/30/23Columbia University, Nysbc, New YorkUSA
04/05/23Tufts University School Of Medicine, BostonUSA
04/10/23UCLA, Molecular Biology Institute, Los AngelesUSA
04/14/23University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cryo-EM Research CenterUSA
07/19/23UCSD, Matyszewski lab, San DiegoUSA
07/27/23University of Science and Technology of China, HefeiCHINA
08/28/23Southern University of Science and Technology, ShenzhenCHINA
04/24/24Guangzhou Laboratory, GuangdongCHINA
05/03/24MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, GlasgowUNITED KINGDOM
05/13/24Max-Planck-Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, GöttingenGERMANY
06/20/24Zhejiang University, HangzhouCHINA
08/19/24University of Science and Technology of China, HefeiCHINA
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