Richard Fuchs - The picture is the landscape
Exhibition from 13.07.2024 to 23.08.2024 (until 30.08.2024)*
Extension of the exhibition by Richard Fuchs until August 30, 2024
Due to the great interest, the exhibition by Richard Fuchs will be extended until August 30, 2024. Visitors will therefore still have the opportunity to view the artist's works.

The picture is the landscape
Painting of distance - satellite images of utopian worlds and spaces Richard Fuchs - Painting with pigment
Even in his early series, utopian cityscapes can be found without a fixed space or time limit. The horizon line always appears as the compositional center.
The color space of the before and behind, composed of many layers, literally sucks the viewer into itself, leaving the real world, indeed, it can even enter an almost transcendental state.
The colors are based on high-quality pigments that are interwoven with sand, minerals, volcanic ash, precious metals such as gold and silver, earths, oxidation products, gemstones and other materials.
The painting of distance and expanse became increasingly differentiated in Richard Fuchs' later work.
The symbolism hinted at in the paintings lends the canvas, which at first glance appears calm and contemplative, such a dramatic dynamic that you almost believe it is in motion.
If you walk around the work and look at it from different angles, the first thing you notice are the multi-layered nuances of color that begin to glow from within. This walking around the work is essential for Richard Fuchs: it is the only way to recognize the different facets, stories and fictions.
Perhaps the viewer is occasionally overwhelmed by the poetic power of the picture - as in the magical moment of an eternal experience in pure awareness of being completely in the here and now and immediately becoming a part of what is seen.
Art has always possessed this utopian dimension; it is one of its most important qualities, as the artist himself is convinced.
The depicted forces of nature and energetic powers, under simultaneous and seemingly painterly weightlessness, conserve and condense intense moods and describe utopian dimensions. “I have been painting the horizon for 30 years and it fascinates me more and more!”
About the artist
Richard Fuchs was born on November 8, 1972 in Gräfelfing near Munich, where he also grew up. He was interested in art and creativity from an early age. At the age of 15, he joined the Euro Graffiti Union (EGU), where he gained his first experience under the guidance of Professor Dr. Kreuzer.
After graduating from the Fachoberschule für Gestaltung in Munich-Giesing in 1992, where he obtained his Fachhochschulreife, he founded the 'Wandlandtheater' together with others. In this theater collective, he was actively involved in the creation, staging and performance of experimental, multimedia theater productions. He was also responsible for the design of the stage sets.
In 1996, Richard completed an apprenticeship in visual merchandising at 'Ludwig Beck am Rathauseck' in Munich. At the same time, he began to realize large-scale façade designs and art on buildings in the greater Munich area in collaboration with architects.
A year later, in 1997, he co-founded and edited the literary subculture magazine 'dieser text' and founded the literary performance group 'Die Schwanenwerft' together with others. His artistic activities also included graphic work for publishers and advertising agencies from 1998 onwards.
Over the years, Richard has also been active in scientific exhibition series, particularly with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Munich from 2005. In 2013, he decided to move from Munich to Castell, where he continues to work creatively and drive new projects forward.
Duration of the exhibition and opening times
From Saturday 13.07.2024 to Friday 23.08.2024, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to midnight,
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays until 8 pm. Admission is free.
Vernissage on 12.07. at 5 pm in the foyer of the main building.
Visitors please register at the reception desk at the main entrance. Please follow the instructions of the security staff.