Claudia Botz – Reflecting Moving Art
Update: Exhibition extended until 14.10.2022
Exhibition from 15.08.2022 to 30.09.2022. The exhibition is open for external visitors. Please note our current rules (see below).

I was born and raised in Munich. I developed my own style autodidactically. As a freelance artist, I cultivate a very diverse repertoire: my own paintings, naturalistic and abstract, murals, commissioned paintings, reconstructions of historical paintings - all my works reflect my positive, cheerful attitude to life and love of art - yet I do not want to and cannot commit myself to a single field. My motto in life: "The main thing is colour!"
In my abstract works I complement the 2-dimensionality of a painting with the dimensions of light and movement. Change of perspective inspires and reveals the simultaneous fascination of organic structures.
I work with different techniques that do not limit each other but open up in different directions. Many of the materials used can only be "planned" to a certain extent and develop a life of their own as they emerge through cracks and very different colour absorption, which I integrate into the creative process. The resulting structures are at the same time a micro and macro view - as they are repeated in the beauty of nature in manifold matter and most different proportions.
As a continuation of this technique, I use reflective colours that change their effect and colour depending on the incidence of light. This offers the viewer different perspectives and facets to play with on a visual as well as a physical level, to move around the picture, to change perspective and point of view. Only then does the picture open up and reveal its full beauty in the combination of organic level, expanse and proximity, physical and visual level.
The viewer thus becomes an essential part of the art.
Visitors please register at the main entrance at the reception. Please follow the instructions of the security staff.
In addition, the familiar hygiene recommendations apply:
- We recommend that visitors aged 16 and over wear an FFP2 mask. Children between 6 and 15 years of age should wear a medical mask. There is no obligation to wear a mask.
- We also recommend a minimum distance of 1.50 metres from people who are not members of your own household.
- We also recommend regular use of the disinfectant dispenser available in the entrance area.
- If you feel ill and/or suffer from acute respiratory illnesses, we ask you to postpone your visit to the exhibition until the symptoms have subsided.