Elke Jordan – Landscapes

Elke Jordan – Landscapes

Exhibition from 16.02.2022 to 31.03.2022. The exhibition is now open again for external visitors. Please note our current hygiene rules (see below).

"What people experience in my paintings, is exactly what I want to show."

The viewer is drawn directly into the large-format landscapes of Elke Jordan's. He is literally in them. The question of what might be (in) between heaven and earth is irrelevant. One can feel the essence of the pictured landscape not as a mere reproduction but rather in the way the artist perceives it. Not natural forces but slight motion can be spotted - flowing, pulsation, change and return, even becoming and fading. There are no human beings nor animals nor anything manmade in Elke Jordan's works. Yet they are obviously always about cultural landscapes coined by man.
The landscape paintings of Elke Jordan's arise from mixed technique consisting of  egg tempera and earth pigments. Partially acrylic is added as a binding agent. The use of materials like sand and soil collected on-site establish a particular reference to the respective scenery. The indivdual paintings are created as parts of continuous series, e.g. "Listen (to) the Landscape", "Horizons", etc.


Hygiene rules

The visit of the exhibition by external visitors is possible in pairs according to the daily service hours of the Institute during the following times:

Mon - Fri from 18:00 - 00:00 hrs.

Sat - Sun from 08:00 - 20:00 hrs


Please note:

  • 3G rule (access only for vaccinated, recovered and tested people with a current rapid or PCR test)
  • FFP2 mask obligation
  • The rapid test must not be older than 24 hrs, the PCR test not older than 48 hrs
  • Sufficient distance to each other (min. 1.50m)
  • Hand disinfection
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