Rojas A.M., Santamaria A., Malik R., Jensen T.S., Körner R., Morilla I., de Juan D.,Krallinger M., Hansen D.A., Hoffmann R., Lees J., Reid A., Yeats C., Wehner A., Elowe S., Clegg A.B., Brunak S., Nigg E.A., Orengo C., Valencia A., Ranea J.A., Uncovering the molecular machinery of the human spindle--an integration of wet and dry systems biology. PloS One., 7, :e31813, (2012).
Mirgorodskaya O.A., Körner R., Kozmin Y.P., Roepstorff P., Absolute quantitation of proteins by acid hydrolysis combined with amino acid detection by mass spectrometry, Methods in Molecular Biology, 825, 115-120 (2012).
Pathare G.R., Nagy I., Bohn S., Unverdorben P., Hubert A., Körner R., Nickell S., Lasker K., Sali A., Tamura T., Nishioka T., Förster F., Baumeister W., Bracher A.. The proteasomal subunit Rpn6 is a molecular clamp holding the core and regulatory subcomplexes together., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, 149-154 (2012).
Dou, Z., Schubert, C., Körner, R., Santamaria, A., Elowe, S., Nigg, E.A. Quantitative mass spectrometry analysis reveals similar substrate consensus motif for human Mps1 kinase and Plk1, PloS One, 6, e18793, (2011).
Rüdel S., Wang Y., Lenobel R., Körner R., Hsiao H.H., Urlaub H., Patel D., Meister G. Phosphorylation of human Argonaute proteins affects small RNA binding. Nucleic Acids Res., 39, 2330-2343 (2011).
Santamaria A., Wang B., Elowe S., Malik R., Zhang F., Silljé H.H.W., Körner R, Nigg,E.A. The Plk1-dependent phosphoproteome of the early mitotic spindle, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 10, M110.004457 (2011).
Dulla K., Daub H., Hornberger R., Nigg E.A., Körner R Quantitative site-specific phosphorylation dynamics of human protein kinases during mitotic progression. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 9, 1167-1181, (2010).
Malik R., Dulla K., Nigg E.A.,Körner R. From proteome lists to biological impact: Tools and strategies for the analysis of large MS data sets. Proteomics, 10, 1270-1283, (2010).
Malik R., Lenobel R., Santamaria A., Ries A., Nigg E.A.,Körner R. Quantitative analysis of the human spindle phosphoproteome at distinct mitotic stages.J Proteome Res., 8, (4553-4563), (2009).
Wang, B., Malik, R, Nigg, E.A., Körner, R. Evaluation of the low-specificity protease elastase for large-scale phosphoproteome analysis. Analytical Chemistry, 80, 9526-9533 (2008).
Daub, H., Olsen, J.V., Bairlein, M., Gnad, F., Oppermann, F.S., Körner, R., Greff, Z., Kéri, G., Stemmann, O., Mann, M. Kinase-selective enrichment enables quantitative phosphoproteomics of the kinome across the cell cycle. Molecular Cell, 31, 438-448 (2008).
Malik, R., Nigg, E.A., Körner, R. Comparative conservation analysis of the human mitotic phosphoproteome, Bioinformatics, 24, 1426-1432 (2008).
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Boos, D., Kuffer, C., Lenobel, R., Körner, R., Stemmann, O. Phosphorylation-dependent binding of cyclin B1 to a Cd6-like domain of human separase, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, 816-823 (2008).
Baumann, C., Körner, R., Hofmann, K., Nigg, E.A. PICH, a centromere-associated SNF2 family ATPase, is regulated by Plk1 and required for the spindle checkpoint, Cell, 128, 101-114 (2007).
Roeben, A., Plitzko, J.M., Körner, R., Böttcher, U.M.K., Siegers, K., Hayer-Hartl, M., Bracher, A. Structural basis for subunit assembly in UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Journal of Molecular Biology, 364, 551-560 (2006).
Badouel, C., Körner, R., Frank-Vaillant, M., Couturier, A.,Nigg, E.A., Tassan, J.P. M-phase MELK activity is regulated by MPF and MAPK, Cell Cycle, 5, 883-889 (2006).
Silljé, H.H.W., Nagel, S., Körner, R., Nigg, E.A. HURP is a Ran-importin ß regulated protein that stabilizes kinetochore microtubules in the vicinity of chromosomes, Current Biology, 16, 731-742 (2006).
Nousiainen, M., Sauer, G., Silljé H.H.W., Ries A., Körner R. Phosphoproteome analysis of the human mitotic spindle, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103, 5391-5396 (2006).
Riedel, C.G., Mazza, M., Maier, P., Körner, R., Knop, M. Differential requirement for Phospholipase D/SPO14 and its novel interactor SMA1 for regulation of exocytotic vesicle fusion in yeast meiosis, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280, 37846-37852 (2005).
Pichler, A., Knipscheer, P., Oberhofer, E., van Dijk, P., Körner, R., Velgaard Olsen, J., Jentsch, S., Melchior, F., Sixma, T.K. SUMO modification of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-25K, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 12, 264-296 (2005).
Preisinger C., Körner, R., Wind, M., Lehmann, W.D., Kopajtich, R., Barr, F.A. Plk1 docking to GRASP65 phosphorylated by Cdk1 suggests a mechanism for Golgi checkpoint signaling, The EMBO Journal, 24, 753-765 (2005).
Sauer G., Körner R., Hanisch A., Ries A., Nigg E.A. Silljé H.H.W. Proteome analysis of the human mitotic spindle, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics, 4, 35-43 (2005).
Grimmler M., Martin L.,Nousiainen M., Körner, R., Meister G., Fischer U. Phosphorylation regulates the activity of the SMN-complex during assembly of spliceosomal U snRNPs, EMBO Reports,6, 70–76 (2005).
Mirgorodskaya, O.A., Körner, R., Novikov, A, Roepstorff, P. Absolute quantitation of proteins by a combination of acid hydrolysis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, 76, 3569-3575 (2004).
Swaminathan, S., Kiendl, F., Körner, R., Lupetti, R., Hengst, L., Melchior, F. RanGAP1*SUMO1 is phosphorylated at the onset of mitosis and remains associated with RanBP2 upon NPC disassembly, Journal of Cell Biology, 164, 965-971 (2004).
Casenghi, M., Meraldi, P., Weinhart, U., Duncan, P.I., Körner, R., Nigg, E.A. Polo-like kinase 1 regulates Nlp, a novel centrosome protein involved in microtubule nucleation, Developmental Cell, 5, 113-125 (2003).
Honda, R., Körner, R., Nigg, E.A. Exploring the functional interactions between Aurora B, INCENP and survivin in mitosis, Molecular Biology of the Cell, 8, 3325-3341 (2003).
Gervcais, A, Hammel, Y.A., Pelloux, S., Lepage, P., Baer, G., Carte, N., Sorokine, O., Strub, J.M., Körner, R., Leize, E., van Dorsselaer, A. Glycosylation of human recombinant gonadotrophins: characterization and batch-to-batch consistency, Glycobiology, 13, 179-189 (2003).
Kufer, T.A., Silljé, H.H.W., Körner, R., Gruss, O.J., Meraldi, P., Nigg, E.A. Human TPX2 is required for targeting Aurora-A to the spindle, Journal of Cell Biology, 158, 617-623 (2002).
Mutenda, K.E., Körner, R., Christensen, T.M.I.E., Mikkelsen, J., Roepstorff, P. Application of mass spectrometry to determine the activity and specificity of pectin lyase A, Carbohydrate Research, 337, 1217-1227 (2002).
Bonnin, E., Le Goff, A., Körner, R., Vigouroux, J., Roepstorff, P., Thibault, J.-F. Hydrolysis of pectins with different degrees and patterns of methylation by the endopolygalacturonases of Fusarium monoliforme, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1596, 83-94 (2002).
Novikov AV, Savel'eva NV, Krasnov NV, Roepstorff P, Körner R, Mirgorodskaya OA. Quantitative determination of peptides and proteins by ESI-MS, Scientific Instrumentat Making, 4, 70-79 (2002).
Barr, F.A., Preisinger, C., Kopajtich, R., Körner, R., Golgi matrix proteins interact with p24 cargo receptors and aid their efficient retention in the Golgi apparatus, Journal of Cell Biology, 155, 885-891 (2001).
Short, B., Preisinger, C., Körner, R., Kopjtich, R., Byron, O., Barr, F.A. A GRASP55-rab2 effector complex linking Golgi structure to membrane traffic, Journal of Cell Biology, 155, 877-883 (2001).
Bonnin, E., Le Goff, A., Körner, R., van Alebeek, G-J.W.M., Christensen, T.M.I.E., Voragen, A.G.J., Roepstorff, P., Caprari, C., Thibault, J-F. Study of the mode of action of endopolygalacturonase from fusarium monoliforme, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1526, 301-309 (2001).
Bacher, G., Körner, R., Abdelmadjid, A., Foster, S.J., Roepstorff, P., Allmaier, G. Negative and positive ion nano-electrospray ionization quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry and positive ion nano-electrospray ionization quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry of peptidoglycan fragments isolated from various Bacillus species, Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 36, 124-139 (2001).
Mirgorodskaya, O.A., Kozmin, Y.P., Titov, M.I., Saveleva, N.V., Körner, R., Sönksen, C., Miroshnikov, A.I., Roepstorff, P. Quantitative determination of peptides and proteins by MALDI MS, Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 26, 662-671 (2000).
Mirgorodskaya, O.A., Kozmin, Y.P., Titov, M.I., Körner, R., Sönksen, C., Roepstorff, P. Quantitation of peptides and proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry using 18O-labeled internal standards, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 14, 1226-1232 (2000).
Limberg, G., Körner, R., Christensen, T.M.I.E., Buchholt, H.C., Roepstorff, P., Dalgård Mikkelsen, J. Quantification of the amount of galacturonic acid residues in blocksequences in pectin homogalacturonan by enzymatic fingerprinting with exo- and endo-polygalacturonase II from Aspergillus niger, Carbohydrate Research, 327, 321-332 (2000).
Limberg, G., Körner, R., Buchholt, H.C., Christensen T.M.I.E., Roepstorff, P., Dalgaard Mikkelsen, J. Analysis of different de-esterification mechanisms for pectin by enzymatic fingerprinting using endopectin lyase and endopolygalacturonase II from A. Niger, Carbohydrate Research, 327, 293-307 (2000).
Arentz-Hansen, H., Körner, R., Molberg, Ø., Quarsten, H., Vader, W., Kooy, Y.M.C., Lundin, K.E.A., Koning, F., Roepstorff, P., Sollid, L.M., McAdam, S. The intestinal T cell response to a-gliadin in adult celiac disease is focused on a single deamidated glutamine targeted by tissue transglutaminase, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 191, 603-612 (2000).
Atrih, A., Bacher, G., Körner, R., Allmaier, G., Foster, S.J. Structural analysis of Bacillus megaterium KM spore peptidoglycan and its dynamics during germination, Microbiology, 145, 1033-1041 (1999).
Körner, R., Limberg, G., Christensen T., Dalgaard Mikkelsen, J., Roepstorff, P. Sequencing of partially methyl-esterified oligogalacturonates by tandem mass spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry 71, 1421-1427 (1999).
Linnemayr, K., Brückner, A., Körner, R., Hahn, R., Jungbauer, A., Josic, Dj., Roepstorff, P., Rizzi, A., Allmaier, G. MALDI time-of-flight and nano ESI ion trap mass spectrometric characterization of 1-cyano-2-substituted-benz[ƒ]isoindole derivatives of peptides for fluorescence detection, Journal of Mass Spectrometry 34, 427-434 (1999).
Alving, K., Körner, R., Paulsen, H., Peter-Katalinic, J. Nanospray-ESI low-energy CID and MALDI post-source decay for determination of O-glycosylation sites in MUC4 peptides, Journal of Mass Spectrometry 33, 1124-1133 (1998).
Simankova N.A., Mirgorodskaya O.A., Savelieva N.V., Körner R., Roepstorff P., Alexandrov S.L. Specificity of Aspartic Protease from the Fungus Trichoderma viride in the Hydrolysis of Oligopeptides, Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 24, 729-743 (1998).
Körner, R., Limberg, G., Dalgaard Mikkelsen, J. Characterization of enzymatic pectin digests by MALDI mass spectrometry, Journal of Mass Spectrometry 33, 836-842 (1998).
Sjöström, H., Lundin, K.E.A., Molberg, Ø., Körner, R., McAdam, S.N., Anthonsen D., Quarsten, H., Norén, O., Roepstorff, P., Thorsby, E., Sollid, L.M. Identification of a gliadin T-cell epitope in coeliac disease: general importance of gliadin deamidation for intestinal T-cell recognition Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 48, 111-115 (1998).
Haebel, S., Albrecht, T., Sparbier, K., Walden, P., Körner, R., Steup, M. Electrophoresis-related protein modification: Alkylation of carboxy residues revealed by mass spectrometry Electrophoresis 19, 679-686 (1998).
Molberg, Ø., McAdam, S.E., Körner, R., Quarsten, H., Kristiansen, C., Madsen, L., Fugger, L., Scott, H., Norén, O., Roepstorff, P., Lundin, K.E.A., Sjöström, H., Sollid, L.M. Tissue transglutaminase selectively modifies gliadin peptides that are recognized by gut-derived T-cells in celiac disease Nature Medicine 4, 713-717 (1998).
Körner, R., Morand, K., Schubert, M., Mann, M. Nanoelectrospray combined with a quadrupole ion trap for the analysis of peptides and protein digests Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectromtry 7, 150-156 (1996).